B = Ballard Sails (Discovery Park) Ballard Sails Buoy, a 3.5-ft. high White Buoy located Southwest of the Ship Canal entrance, near the shore at Discovery Park (47° 40.285', 122° 25.342'). This is the old South Hamburger location.

D = Duwamish Head Duwamish Head (47° 35.933', 122° 23.267').

E = Green Ship Canal Buoy Outermost Green Ship Canal entrance buoy (47° 40.768', 122° 24.897')

H = Halverson Buoy Halverson Buoy, located approx. 0.5nm Northwest from the entrance to Port Madison (47° 42.698', 122° 32.031')

I = Blake Island Blake Island (47° 31.600', 122° 30.000').

J = Pt. Jefferson Pt. Jefferson: Temporary mark located near Pt. Jefferson in 35 ft. of water at low-low tide (47° 44.755', 122° 28.38').

K = Blakely Rock Blakely Rock (47° 35.700', 122° 28.800').

M = Meadow Point Meadow Pt. Buoy (47° 41.783', 122° 24.583').

N = Start Mark Round metal ball with flag located near the North end of Shilshole Breakwater (47° 41.064', 122° 24.679'), in 87 feet of water. This is the near old North Hamburger location.

O = Point Monroe Temporary mark located North of Point Monroe, in approx. 90 feet of water (47° 42.600', 122° 30.450').

P = Wing Point Reef Buoy 2, red num Wing Point Reef Buoy 2 near the entrance to Eagle Harbor (47° 36.731', 122° 29.133'). It is a red nun, located just North of the red light on a pole. WARNING: It gets shallow North of the Mark.

R = Spring Beach Spring Beach: A 3.5-ft. high White Buoy located in 40 ft. of water in the vicinity of Spring Beach, approximately 2 nm N of Meadow Pt. (47° 44.387', 122° 22.944'). A railroad block signal is located at Spring Beach.

S = Skiff Point Skiff Point: Temporary mark located in 60 ft. of water, approx. 0.18 nm E of Skiff Point (47° 39.720', 122° 29.790'). WARNING: It gets shallow West of the Mark.

U = Richmond Beach, UW Research Buoy Richmond Beach, UW Research Buoy NPB-1 (www.nanoos.org/data/products/npb/npb-1/overview.php), located at (47° 45.676', 122° 23.833').

W = West Point West Pt. Buoy (47° 39.617', 122° 26.467').

Z = PMYC white cyliinder PMYC Buoy near Jefferson Point (47°44.4', 122°29.4'). It is a white cylinder.

2 = Two laps (must be last letter) This indicates a multi-lap course. Sail the course as many times as is indicated by the number, crossing the finishing line at the completion of each lap.

Course Length Calculator
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(Example: NWMN is Start,West Point,
Meadow Point,Finish)
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Puget Sound
Mark-to-Mark distance matrix
B*  5.142   0.568   5.197   9.325   4.915   5.193   1.583   0.898   4.145   4.387   4.408   3.048   5.486   1.010   4.939 
D  5.142  *  5.702   9.265   6.283   9.538   3.738   6.668   6.026   8.238   4.042   9.491   5.802   10.495   4.269   9.431 
E  0.568   5.702  *  5.221   9.885   4.625   5.753   1.037   0.330   4.162   4.948   3.853   3.458   4.960   1.563   4.730 
H  5.197   9.265   5.221  *  12.263   3.203   8.009   5.099   5.239   1.068   6.954   6.342   3.938   6.266   5.047   2.455 
I  9.325   6.283   9.885   12.263  *  13.294   4.256   10.852   10.209   11.253   5.318   13.674   8.336   14.676   8.364   12.956 
J  4.915   9.538   4.625   3.203   13.294  *  9.059   3.919   4.452   2.566   8.034   3.674   5.124   3.193   5.297   0.772 
K  5.193   3.738   5.753   8.009   4.256   9.059  *  6.719   6.077   6.999   1.062   9.542   4.082   10.522   4.221   8.709 
M  1.583   6.668   1.037   5.099   10.852   3.919   6.719  *  0.722   4.032   5.907   2.828   4.068   3.926   2.510   4.165 
N  0.898   6.026   0.330   5.239   10.209   4.452   6.077   0.722  *  4.177   5.271   3.530   3.695   4.647   1.882   4.606 
O  4.145   8.238   4.162   1.068   11.253   2.566   6.999   4.032   4.177  *  5.944   5.356   2.928   5.410   4.011   1.934 
P  4.387   4.042   4.948   6.954   5.318   8.034   1.062   5.907   5.271   5.944  *  8.714   3.027   9.627   3.398   7.665 
R  4.408   9.491   3.853   6.342   13.674   3.674   9.542   2.828   3.530   5.356   8.714  *  6.558   1.421   5.327   4.342 
S  3.048   5.802   3.458   3.938   8.336   5.124   4.082   4.068   3.695   2.928   3.027   6.558  *  7.179   2.240   4.687 
U  5.486   10.495   4.960   6.266   14.676   3.193   10.522   3.926   4.647   5.410   9.627   1.421   7.179  *  6.313   3.955 
W  1.010   4.269   1.563   5.047   8.364   5.297   4.221   2.510   1.882   4.011   3.398   5.327   2.240   6.313  *  5.174 
Z  4.939   9.431   4.730   2.455   12.956   0.772   8.709   4.165   4.606   1.934   7.665   4.342   4.687   3.955   5.174  *